
How to Spot a Great Leader

Find Your Future Leaders Now!

Think about every great boss or co-worker you’ve ever had and it’s likely that they have certain traits in common.  They often lead without fear and treat those around them with respect and dignity.

The great leaders are those that make those they lead feel great themselves.  These are the people who encourage risk-taking but who offer support every step of the way.  They teach those under them to better themselves without fear of being taken advantage of.  They recognize their own weaknesses and embrace the strengths of others.

You need to identify the potential leaders in your organization.  The sooner you do this the less likely they are to go elsewhere. 

So what do you look for in a future leader?  Here are FIVE COMMON  traits to watch out for:


As stated above, the smartest leaders are those who recognize early on that they need a TEAM of people to accomplish great things.  One person only has so many skills and can only do so much. 

Leaders who want to turn your concepts into reality, find that team of people with the skills that will get the job done.


The great leaders know that the best way to maximize success and minimize risk is to make sure all direct reports are aware of what’s really happening.  Good or bad.

Share numbers, metrics, plans and directives with as wide a group as possible.  A company’s success or failure is often determined by the level of transparency provided down the ladder.

After all, you can’t solve a problem (or celebrate success) if you don’t know what’s happening.


Listening to those underneath you is crucial.  Solutions come from anywhere.  The most memorable of leaders understand this and utilize their staff to derive solutions. 

Don’t just communicate DOWN the ladder, but let information and suggestions flow UP the ladder as well. 


No one likes feeling left out.  Your people should always come FIRST.  You want to make sure that your entire staff feels INCLUDED.

Keep in mind however, that “Inclusiveness’ can have any number of definitions.  It can refer to diversity, junior executives communing with senior executives, sexual preferences being accepted, and so on.  The best leaders are progressive and inclusive.


Make sure you’re always finding ways to improve your product, ways of doing business or your service offering.

Great leaders often connect with the consumers directly to better understand what is working and not working with their offering.  Encourage those who report to you to do the same. 

This intel is absolute gold as it identifies issues and opportunities that true leaders can utilize and execute upon.

The future leaders of your company are likely already working for you.  Use the above guide to help identify the personality traits of those leaders now so you can groom them for the future.

Erica Sherman

Erica Sherman is a mid-level Human Resources executive and freelance writer who has published a number of works in the career space for major publications such as The Seattle Times, The Globe & Mail and many others on both sides of the border. She's originally from Toronto, Canada and currently lives and works in Portland with her family.

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