
How to Make More Time

Top 5 Time Management Tips That Really Work

Time Management is often our biggest problem considering that TIME is our most important resource.  It’s unfortunately, also a FINITE resource, meaning we can’t actually MAKE more time.  If we could, trust me, we’d all be looking at 72 hour days.

But, we can’t.  The trick is to maximize the time we have in the most efficient way possible.  We all have so many responsibilities nowadays and finding the time to do anything seems incredibly difficult.


So, how do we find more time during our day?  By using some well documented Time Management Tips and tricks to help you make the most of your time:

Prioritize What You Spend Your Time On:

This is often the first on any list of time management tips because it is by far the easiest way to achieve more with less time.  How often have you spent hours on something that you know is ultimately going to be a waste of your time?   By prioritizing what’s important and getting to it first thing, you’re that much more likely to complete those tasks that needs to get done.

Delegate Tasks That Unnecessarily Eat Up Your Time:

For some reason, many people have a problem with delegating tasks to other people.  Get over it.  Stop needing to control every aspect of what you’re doing and trust that there are others who are just as (if not more) capable as you to get things done.Find those elements of the task at hand that you can pass off down the line and DO IT.  You might even consider hiring a Virtual Assistant to help with some of the more mundane tasks.

Eliminate Distractions:

To write this particular post, I had to shut off my phone, put my iPad in my drawer and turn off my wi-fi.  I did ALL of those things because I know that I am easily distracted.  What pulls you away from the task at hand?  Whatever it may be, consider removing these temptations as much as possible before you even start on what needs to get done.It may not be a thing either.

People and pets can count as distractions as well.  If you need to find a quieter place to work, you might look to renting out a work space where you won’t be easily distracted by others who steal your time and attention.

Learn to Say NO!:

No, this is not a PSA about saying no to drugs. But you should pass on those, too.  But, all too often, the needs and requests of others suck away our time, so get in the habit of saying NO.

This isn’t something that has to be mean spirited, it’s just about prioritizing your needs first before those of others.  Think of an airplane safety video where the parent puts their own oxygen mask on before helping their children.

It may be a terrible metaphor, but the principle is the same. If you’re not prioritizing your own needs, you’re simply not going to give someone else’s needs the effort and time it may deserve.


Honestly, I’d love to credit the phrase “Time Vampire” to someone else as I’m sure I didn’t come up with it.  But it’s exactly what you think it is.

A Time Vampire is anything that you do over the course of your day that SUCKS your time away but doesn’t provide you with the satisfaction of having spent that time wisely.  Some of these will be obvious – Candy Crush, YouTube Fail Videos, Instagram (okay, these are mine) – and others, not so obvious.

You might even journal how you spend an average day to help you really pin these Time Vampires down.

Again, this isn’t always a thing.  People can be the worst of the Time Vampires.  I used to have a friend who would call/text me religiously about some of the most mundane things.  Sometimes I enjoyed gossiping and shooting the breeze with this person.  But when my time was at a premium, I would simply avoid talking to this person all together.

Getting Rid of Your Time Vampires:

Consider finding ways to minimize these Time Vampires.  You may not want to cut them out entirely.  These might be things you truly enjoy.  So consider scheduling these activities.  This will help keep them from becoming distractions that keep you from doing what needs to get done.

You might consider making your Time Vampires a reward once the work at hand is complete.

These are just a handful of effective Time Management Tips to consider.  What are some that you employ that we can share with other WurkPlacers?  Share in the comments below!

Erica Sherman

Erica Sherman is a mid-level Human Resources executive and freelance writer who has published a number of works in the career space for major publications such as The Seattle Times, The Globe & Mail and many others on both sides of the border. She's originally from Toronto, Canada and currently lives and works in Portland with her family.

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